8 Things You Didn't Know About Cat Whiskers

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1. Whiskers are Highly Sensitive

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Each whisker is rooted deeply in the skin and is surrounded by a group of highly sensitive nerves and blood vessels. This makes whiskers incredibly sensitive to even the slightest touch or changes in the air. 

2. They Help Measure Width

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Cats use their whiskers to determine if they can fit through openings. The whiskers are roughly as wide as the cat's body, acting as a natural ruler to help them gauge and navigate tight spaces. 

3. Whiskers Can Change Position

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A cat's whiskers can move forward and backward. When they're relaxed, the whiskers are still. If a cat is hunting or feeling threatened, the whiskers will push forward. This movement helps them assess their environment and express their mood. 

4. They Are Not Just on the Face

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While the most noticeable whiskers are on either side of a cat's nose, they also have shorter whiskers above their eyes, on their chin, and even on the back of their front legs, called carpal whiskers. 

5. Whiskers Fall Out and Regrow

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Just like hair, whiskers fall out and regrow. This is a normal process, so there's no need to worry if you find a whisker around your home. However, whiskers should never be cut, as this can disorient and stress a cat. 

6. Whiskers Reflect the Cat's Health

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Changes in a cat's whiskers can sometimes reflect their health. For example, whiskers that are constantly drooping might be a sign of illness or malnutrition. Always take note of significant changes and consult a vet if concerned. 

7. They Are Mood Indicator

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The position of a cat's whiskers can help you understand how they're feeling. Forward-pointing whiskers indicate curiosity or excitement, while pinned back whiskers might signal fear or aggression. 

8. Whisker Fatigue is Real

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Whisker fatigue occurs when the whiskers are over-stimulated by touching surfaces too often. This can make cats feel disoriented or stressed. That's why some cats prefer not to eat out of deep, narrow bowls. 

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