8 Adorable Gestures Of Puppy Love

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1. Wagging Tail

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A wagging tail is one of the most recognizable signs of a happy pup. When your puppy wags its tail upon seeing you, it's their way of saying, "I'm thrilled you're here!"

2. Puppy Kisse

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Puppy kisses may be wet and sometimes messy, but they are a sure sign of affection. When your puppy licks your face or hands, they are saying, "You're the best!" 

3. Following You Everywhere

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Does your puppy follow you from room to room? This is their way of saying they want to be near you at all times because they feel safe and love being in your company. 

4. Snuggling and Napping on You

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When a puppy curls up in your lap or rests their head on you, it's a gesture of trust and contentment. They are most relaxed and happy when they're close to you. 

5. Bringing You Their Favorite Toy

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Puppies often bring their favorite toy to their favorite person. It's like sharing their most prized possession with you, a true sign of love and trust. 

6. Happy Dances and Excited Jump

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The little hops, bounces, or dance moves your puppy does when they see you can light up a room. This burst of energy is their way of showing how excited they are to be with you. 

7. Gentle Nibbling

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Puppies might gently nibble at your fingers or toes as a playful gesture. It's a part of their exploration but also a sign of intimacy and comfort with you. 

8. Deep, Contented Sigh

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Have you ever heard your puppy sigh deeply when they're cuddled up next to you? That's a sound of contentment and happiness, indicating they feel loved and secure. 

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