8 Things To Give Dogs With An Upset Stomach

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1. Boiled Chicken 

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Plain, skinless, and boneless boiled chicken is a bland source of protein that can be gentle on your dog's stomach. 

2. Boiled Rice 

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White rice is another easily digestible option. It can help firm up loose stools and provide a source of carbohydrates for energy. 

3. Pumpkin 

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Canned or pureed pumpkin (not pumpkin pie filling) can help regulate your dog's digestion due to its fiber content. It can be particularly helpful for diarrhea. 

4. Plain Yogurt 

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Unsweetened, plain yogurt with live active cultures can provide beneficial probiotics that aid in digestion and help restore the balance of gut bacteria. 

5. Boiled Potatoes 

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Plain, boiled potatoes without any seasoning or additives can be a good source of carbohydrates for dogs with upset stomachs. 

6. Oatmeal 

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Cooked plain oatmeal can be another soothing and easy-to-digest option. Ensure it's free from added sugars or flavorings. 

7. Bone Broth 

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Homemade or store-bought unsalted, low-sodium bone broth can provide hydration and essential nutrients while being gentle on the stomach. 

8. Peppermint Tea 

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A very diluted and cooled-down peppermint tea can help ease nausea and settle the stomach. Make sure it's caffeine-free and contains no added sweeteners. 

8 Food High In Carbohydrates