8 Foods That Should Never Hit The Freezer

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1. Eggs in their shells 

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Freezing eggs in their shells can cause the liquid inside to expand, leading to cracking. It's better to remove the egg from the shell and store it in a freezer-safe container. 

2. Raw vegetables with high water content 

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Vegetables with high water content, such as lettuce, cucumbers, and radishes, can become mushy and lose their crispness when frozen. While blanching may help preserve some vegetables, it's best to consume these items fresh. 

3. Dairy-based sauces 

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Sauces made with dairy products, such as cream or milk, can separate and become grainy when frozen. It's often better to prepare the sauce fresh or add the dairy components after thawing. 

4. Fried foods 

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Fried foods, like french fries or crispy chicken, tend to lose their crispiness and can become soggy when frozen. Reheating them may not restore their original texture. 

5. Soft cheeses 

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Soft cheeses like cottage cheese, ricotta, and cream cheese can become crumbly and lose their creamy texture when frozen. Hard cheeses generally freeze better. 

6. Mayonnaise-based salads 

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Salads with mayonnaise, such as coleslaw or potato salad, may separate and become watery when frozen. The texture can be compromised, so it's better to make these salads fresh. 

7. Fruits with high water content 

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Fruits like watermelon, strawberries, and citrus fruits can become mushy and lose their natural texture when frozen. However, they can be used in smoothies after thawing. 

8. Cooked pasta 

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While pasta can be frozen, it may become mushy when reheated. If you plan to freeze pasta, slightly undercook it before freezing, and consider using it in casseroles or baked dishes after thawing. 

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