8 Foods That Reduce Effect Of Alcohol As A Snack

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1. Whole Grains 

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Foods like whole grain bread, crackers, or pasta are rich in complex carbohydrates and can help slow down the absorption of alcohol. They provide a good base in your stomach, reducing the rate at which alcohol hits your system. 

2. Eggs 

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Eggs are high in protein and can help steady your blood sugar levels. The cysteine in eggs also helps break down acetaldehyde, the chemical responsible for some of the hangover symptoms. 

3. Nuts 

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Almonds, walnuts, and other nuts are high in healthy fats and protein. They can help slow the absorption of alcohol and provide essential nutrients. 

4. Water-Rich Fruits  

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Fruits like watermelon, cucumber, and oranges are high in water content and can help keep you hydrated, which is crucial when consuming alcohol. 

5. Avocado 

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High in healthy fats, avocados can slow the absorption of alcohol. They are also rich in fiber and nutrients that can aid in maintaining blood sugar levels. 

6. Greek Yogurt 

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This is a good source of protein and can help coat your stomach, potentially slowing the absorption of alcohol. It also contains calcium and essential B vitamins. 

7. Hummus 

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Made from chickpeas, hummus is rich in protein and fiber. It can help stabilize your blood sugar and provide a long-lasting base in your stomach. 

8. Bananas 

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Rich in potassium, bananas can help replenish electrolytes lost due to the diuretic effect of alcohol. They also provide natural sugars for energy. 

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