8 Cardio Workouts To Lose Belly Fat    

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1. Running 

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Running or jogging is an excellent way to burn calories and reduce belly fat. It's a high-intensity cardio exercise that engages the entire body, including the core muscles. 

2. Cycling 

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Cycling, whether outdoors or on a stationary bike, is a low-impact cardio exercise that can effectively target belly fat. It helps in burning calories and improving overall fitness. 

3. Jump Rope 

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Jumping rope is a great cardio workout that not only burns calories but also engages the core muscles. It's a high-intensity exercise that can be done almost anywhere. 

4. High-Intensity Interval Training  

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HIIT involves short bursts of intense exercise followed by brief rest periods. This type of workout is highly effective for burning calories and can be customized with exercises like burpees, mountain climbers, and high knees to target belly fat. 

5. Swimming 

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Swimming is a full-body workout that engages various muscle groups, including the core. It's a low-impact exercise that can help in burning calories and toning the abdominal area. 

6. Rowing 

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Rowing is an excellent cardio exercise that engages the core muscles and helps in burning calories. It's an effective way to target belly fat while also working the arms, legs, and back muscles. 

7. Dancing 

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Various dance forms like Zumba, aerobics, or even freestyle dancing can be an enjoyable way to do cardio workouts. Dancing helps in burning calories and engaging the abdominal muscles. 

8. Elliptical Trainer 

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Using an elliptical machine is a low-impact cardio workout that mimics movements like walking, running, and climbing stairs. It's gentle on the joints while effectively burning calories and targeting belly fat. 

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