Known for its large size, tufted ears, bushy tail, and friendly nature, Maine Coons are one of the largest domesticated cat breeds. They have a thick, water-resistant coat and come in various colors and patterns.
Renowned for their long, luxurious fur, flattened faces, and gentle temperament, Persian cats have a distinctive appearance. They require regular grooming to maintain their coat.
Siamese cats are recognizable for their striking blue almond-shaped eyes, short coat with color points on their ears, face, paws, and tail. They are known for being vocal and affectionate.
These cats are unique due to their hairless appearance, although they are not completely hairless; they have a fine layer of fuzz on their skin. They are affectionate, energetic, and known for their playful nature.
Bengals have a distinctive coat with leopard-like spots or marbling. They are active, playful, and have a sleek, muscular build. Their coat comes in various colors, including brown, silver, and snow.
Recognizable by their unique folded ears that bend forward and down, Scottish Folds have a sweet and calm disposition. Their folded ears are due to a genetic mutation.
Ragdolls are large, affectionate cats with semi-longhair coats and striking blue eyes. They tend to go limp when picked up, hence the name "Ragdoll." They are known for their gentle and relaxed nature.
These cats have a thick double coat and a robust build suited for cold climates. Known for their tufted ears, bushy tail, and impressive hunting skills, they are friendly, intelligent, and playful.