8 Adorable Ways Dogs Express Their Love

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1. Tail Wagging 

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A happy, relaxed wagging tail is one of the most common signs your dog is expressing joy and love towards you. 

2. Following You Around 

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Dogs often follow their owners everywhere as a sign of loyalty and affection. They want to be close to their favorite person. 

3. Licking 

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Often referred to as "kisses", dogs lick their owners' faces or hands as a sign of affection and to show they care. 

4. Leaning on You 

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Some dogs show their trust and affection by physically leaning against you. It's a way of seeking comfort or giving comfort back. 

5. Bringing You Their Toys 

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When a dog brings you their favorite toy, it's not just an invitation to play—it's a sign they trust you with their prized possessions. 

6. Eye Contact 

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A loving gaze from your dog can be a powerful sign of affection. Known as "eye hugging", when a dog looks into your eyes, they may be releasing oxytocin, the same hormone that bonds mothers with their babies. 

7. Excited Greetings 

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The joyous way a dog greets you when you come home, with a wagging tail, jumping, and barking, is a clear sign of their love and excitement to see you. 

8. Sleeping Next to You 

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Dogs are most vulnerable when they're sleeping, so choosing to sleep next to you is a sign of trust and affection. They want to be close to their pack members, especially the ones they love. 

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