Top 8 Low Maintenance Pets

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1. Fish 

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Particularly freshwater fish like Bettas or Goldfish. They require a suitable tank, clean water, and regular feeding, but don't need daily interaction. 

2. Turtles  

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While they need a proper tank setup and diet, turtles generally require less daily care than other pets. 

3. Snakes 

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Certain types of snakes, like corn snakes or ball pythons, are low maintenance. They require feeding only once a week or so and minimal handling. 

4. Hamsters 

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Small and self-sufficient, hamsters need a clean cage, food, and water, but they're mostly nocturnal and don't require much interaction. 

5. Guinea Pigs 

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They are easy to care for, needing only a clean cage, food, water, and some playtime. They're sociable but not as demanding as dogs or cats. 

6. Tarantulas 

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Not for everyone, but tarantulas are low maintenance. They need a terrarium with the right humidity, and they eat insects every couple of weeks. 

7. Birds 

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Small birds like canaries or budgerigars don't require the social interaction that parrots do. They need a clean cage, fresh water, and bird food. 

8. Rabbits 

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Although they need a spacious cage and daily feeding, rabbits are relatively low maintenance and can be litter trained. 

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