This group includes the American Pit Bull Terrier, American Staffordshire Terrier, and Staffordshire Bull Terrier. Pit bulls are often targeted by breed-specific legislation due to concerns about aggression, though many argue this is more a matter of upbringing than breed.
Known for their strength and guarding instincts, Rottweilers are often restricted due to their potential for aggression, especially if not properly trained and socialized.
Widely used in police and military roles, German Shepherds are sometimes restricted because of their strong protective instincts and powerful build.
Known for their loyalty and intelligence, Dobermans are often on restricted lists due to their size and potential for aggression if not properly trained.
As a large and powerful breed, Bullmastiffs can be intimidating and are often restricted due to the potential damage they can inflict in a confrontation, despite their typically calm demeanor.
Any breed that is part wolf is often restricted because of their unpredictable nature and potential safety risks, given their wild ancestry.
Similar to Pit Bulls, American Bulldogs are often restricted because of their powerful build and the potential for aggression, particularly if not properly trained.
This large, powerful breed is known for its strong territorial instincts. Akitas are often restricted due to their potential for aggression, particularly towards strangers or other animals.