Top 8 Less Affectionate Breeds Of Dog    

White Line

1. Basenji 

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Known for their independence and cat-like grooming habits, Basenjis are aloof and might not seek as much physical affection as some other breeds. 

2. Afghan Hound 

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These dignified dogs can be aloof and independent, often forming strong bonds with their families but not necessarily displaying overt affection. 

3. Chow Chow 

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Chow Chows are known for their loyalty to their families but can be reserved and less outwardly affectionate compared to more demonstrative breeds. 

4. Shar Pei 

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This breed tends to be devoted to their families but may not show excessive affection, preferring their space at times. 

5. Akita 

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Akitas are known for their loyalty and can be affectionate with their families, but they often have a more reserved nature towards strangers. 

6. Scottish Terrier 

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While Scotties can be loving towards their families, they might not show it through constant physical affection and might be more independent. 

7. Shiba Inu 

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Shibas are known for their spirited and independent nature, which can make them less openly affectionate compared to some other breeds. 

8. Siberian Husky 

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Huskies are friendly and outgoing but may not display as much overt affection as some other breeds, preferring more freedom and independence. 

Best 8 Cat Breeds For Indoor Living