Top 8 Fearless Dog Breeds In The World 

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1. Pit Bull Terrier 

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Often unfairly stereotyped, these dogs can be loving and gentle, but improper training or handling may lead to aggression. 

2. Rottweiler 

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Known for loyalty and protectiveness, they can exhibit aggression if not socialized and trained appropriately. 

3. German Shepherd  

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Intelligent and versatile, but they need consistent training and socialization to prevent aggressive behavior. 

4. Siberian Husky 

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More independent and strong-willed, they can show aggression if not properly trained and exercised. 

5. Doberman Pinscher 

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Protective and loyal, they may display aggression if not trained or socialized adequately. 

6. Alaskan Malamute 

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Strong-willed and independent, they require proper training and socialization to prevent aggression. 

7. Boxer 

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Energetic and playful, they might exhibit aggression if not trained and socialized from an early age. 

8. Dalmatian 

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Energetic and sometimes stubborn, they can show aggression if not properly trained and socialized. 

8 Rarest Dog Breeds in the World