The Top 8 Healthiest Breeds Of Dogs  

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1. Australian Cattle Dog 

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This breed is known for its longevity and robust health. They are active and require plenty of exercises, contributing to their overall well-being. 

2. Foxhound 

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Both the American and English varieties of Foxhound are known for their good health. They are generally free from genetic health problems common to other breeds. 

3. Border Collie 

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Renowned for their intelligence and agility, Border Collies are generally healthy dogs. Their active lifestyle helps maintain good health and fitness. 

4. Havanese 

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This small breed is known for being generally healthy and free from the genetic issues that plague many other toy breeds. Regular grooming and dental care are essential for their well-being. 

5. Siberian Husky 

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Huskies are known for their endurance and lack of many common genetic diseases. They require regular exercise to maintain their health and happiness. 

6. Basenji 

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Known as the "barkless dog," Basenjis are generally healthy. They are known for their cleanliness and have few of the typical doggy odors associated with other breeds. 

7. Greyhound 

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Despite their racing background, Greyhounds are generally healthy and enjoy a long lifespan. They are prone to fewer genetic diseases than many other breeds. 

8. Mutt (Mixed Breed)  

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Mixed breed dogs often benefit from genetic diversity, which can lead to fewer inherited genetic health problems. They can be as healthy, if not healthier, than purebred dogs and often have fewer health issues related to inbreeding. 

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