The 8 Best Way to Make Air Fryer Salmon

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1. Choose Fresh Salmon 

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Start with fresh, high-quality salmon fillets. Look for fillets with vibrant color, firm texture, and a fresh ocean scent. 

2. Preheat the Air Fryer 

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Preheat your air fryer to ensure even cooking. Set the temperature to around 375°F (190°C). 

3. Seasoning 

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Season the salmon with your favorite herbs and spices. A simple combination of olive oil, salt, pepper, garlic powder, and lemon juice works well. You can also try dill, paprika, or a pinch of cayenne for added flavor. 

4. Use Cooking Spray 

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Lightly coat the air fryer basket with cooking spray or brush it with oil. This helps prevent the salmon from sticking to the basket. 

5. Skin Side Down 

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Place the salmon fillets in the air fryer basket skin side down. This allows the hot air to circulate around the fillets, ensuring a crispy exterior. 

6. Avoid Overcrowding 

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Arrange the salmon fillets in a single layer, making sure they are not touching or overlapping. Overcrowding can result in uneven cooking. 

7. Monitor Cooking Time 

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Cook the salmon for about 10-12 minutes, depending on the thickness of the fillets. Check for doneness by inserting a fork into the thickest part of the salmon; it should easily flake. 

8. Finish with a Squeeze of Lemon 

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Once the salmon is cooked, finish it with a squeeze of fresh lemon juice. This adds a burst of freshness and complements the flavors of the salmon. 

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