How To Make No Oil Spiced Roasted Chickpeas Namkeen

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1. Preheat the Oven

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Preheat your oven to 400°F (200°C). This ensures that the chickpeas roast evenly and become crispy.

2. Prepare Chickpeas

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Drain and rinse a can of chickpeas thoroughly. Pat them dry using a paper towel. Removing excess moisture is crucial for achieving crispiness.

3. Seasoning Mixture

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In a bowl, prepare a spice mix. Common spices include cumin powder, coriander powder, chili powder, turmeric, and a pinch of salt. Adjust quantities based on your taste preferences.

4. Coat Chickpeas

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Add the dried chickpeas to the spice mixture. Toss them well, ensuring each chickpea is coated evenly with the spices. The spices adhere better when the chickpeas are dry.

5. Spread on Baking Sheet

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Line a baking sheet with parchment paper. Spread the seasoned chickpeas in a single layer. This allows them to roast uniformly and become crunchy.

6. Roast in the Oven

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Place the baking sheet in the preheated oven. Roast the chickpeas for about 25-30 minutes, shaking the pan halfway through. Keep an eye on them to prevent burning.

7. Check for Crispiness

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After the suggested time, check the chickpeas for crispiness. They should be golden brown and make a hollow sound when tapped. If needed, bake for a few more minutes.

8. Cool and Enjoy

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Once done, let the roasted chickpeas cool on the baking sheet. They will continue to crisp up as they cool. Once at room temperature, transfer them to an airtight container and enjoy your no-oil spiced roasted chickpeas namkeen as a crunchy snack.

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