8 Ways Your Dog Shows They Love You

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1. Tail Wagging 

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A happy, relaxed dog will often show its contentment through tail wagging. While dogs also wag their tails for other reasons, a soft wagging tail in the presence of their owner is often a sign of contentment and affection. 

2. Following You Around

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If your dog follows you from room to room, it's often a sign that they want to be near you. This behavior, known as "following," shows that they prefer your company and want to keep close to their favorite person. 

3. Licking You 

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Dogs often lick the faces of those they feel affection towards. This behavior stems from puppyhood, when puppies lick their mother's face to solicit food or attention. When your dog licks you, it can be a sign of affection and respect. 

4. Jumping Up 

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While it can sometimes be a behavior that needs to be corrected, especially in larger dogs, jumping up can be a sign of excitement and love. Dogs may jump up when their owners come home as a way of saying, "I'm so happy to see you!" 

5. Leaning on You

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Some dogs show their trust and affection by leaning against their owner's legs or sitting on their feet. This can be a sign of affection or a request for attention and comfort. 

6. Bringing You Their Toys 

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If your dog brings you toys, it may be inviting you to play, a sign that they trust you and want to share their fun with you. It's also a sign of submission and offering - showing you what they value. 

7. Sleeping with You 

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Dogs are pack animals, and they prefer to sleep with their pack for safety and warmth. If your dog tries to sleep near you or in your bed, it's often a sign that they feel safe with you and want to be close. 

8. Eye Contact 

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A famous study suggests that when your dog stares into your eyes, they may be "hugging you with their eyes" because this action releases oxytocin, the same hormone that bonds mothers and their babies. 

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