8 Ways to Make Pizza Healthier

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1. Choose Whole Wheat Crust   

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Opt for a whole wheat crust instead of a refined white flour crust. Whole wheat provides more fiber, vitamins, and minerals, making it a healthier choice. 

2. Load Up on Veggies 

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Pile your pizza with a variety of colorful vegetables. Vegetables add vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants while keeping the calorie count lower compared to meat-heavy toppings. 

3. Lean Protein Toppings 

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Choose lean protein sources like grilled chicken, turkey, or lean cuts of beef. These options are lower in saturated fats compared to processed meats like pepperoni or sausage. 

4. Use Lighter Cheese 

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Opt for reduced-fat or part-skim cheese to cut down on the saturated fat content. You can also experiment with smaller amounts of flavorful cheeses to reduce overall calorie intake. 

5. Go Easy on the Sauce 

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Tomato sauce can be high in added sugars and sodium. Consider making your own sauce with fresh tomatoes and herbs, or choose a low-sugar, low-sodium store-bought option. 

6. Add Fresh Herbs and Spices 

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Enhance the flavor of your pizza with fresh herbs and spices instead of relying on excessive amounts of salt. Basil, oregano, thyme, and garlic can add delicious taste without the need for extra salt. 

7. Drizzle with Olive Oil 

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Instead of heavy, creamy sauces, use a modest amount of extra-virgin olive oil to add richness and healthy monounsaturated fats. 

8. Portion Control 

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Enjoying pizza in moderation is crucial for a balanced diet. Be mindful of portion sizes to prevent overeating. Pair your pizza with a side salad to increase the overall nutritional value of your meal. 

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