8 Sweet Smelling Animals In The World

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1. Binturong (Bearcat) 

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Native to Southeast Asia, the binturong emits a scent similar to buttered popcorn due to a compound in its urine. 

2. Crested Auklet 

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Found in the Arctic, these birds emit a citrus-like odor, which is unusual for birds. This scent plays a role in their social and mating behaviors. 

3. Springbok 

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This African antelope produces a sweet, aromatic scent from glands near their eyes, believed to be for communication purposes. 

4. Maned Wolf  

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Native to South America, the maned wolf's urine smells strikingly similar to cannabis. This is due to the presence of pyrazines in their urine. 

5. Yellow-Spotted Lizard   

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These lizards, found in Central and South America, secrete a pleasant musky scent from their bodies, which is quite distinctive. 

6. Honey Possum 

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A small marsupial from Australia, the honey possum feeds on nectar and consequently has a sweet, flowery scent. 

7. Spotted Hyena 

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Interestingly, spotted hyenas produce a white paste with a strong, sweet, and buttery scent from their anal glands. This is used for communication and marking territories. 

8. Beaver 

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Beavers are known for their castoreum, a compound secreted from their castor sacs, which has a rich and pleasant vanilla scent. This has even been used historically in perfumes. 

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