8 Popular Foods With Max Adulteration And How To Find Out 

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1. Milk 

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Adulterants like water, urea, and detergent may be added to milk to increase volume. To check, you can perform tests like the adulteration detection test using chemicals or commercially available milk adulteration test kits. 

2. Olive Oil 

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Often diluted with cheaper oils like sunflower or canola oil. You can perform a refrigeration test - pure olive oil will solidify or become cloudy when refrigerated, while adulterated oil won’t. 

3. Honey 

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Sometimes adulterated with sugar syrup. Conduct a water test by placing a drop of honey in water; pure honey will settle at the bottom without dissolving, while adulterated honey may dissolve or mix. 

4. Spices 

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Turmeric, chili powder, etc., are often adulterated with artificial colors or cheaper substances. You can perform simple tests like the starch test for turmeric using iodine solution or chromatography for chili powder. 

5. Coffee 

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Adulterated with twigs, roasted cereals, or chicory. Conduct a visual inspection to look for any added substances or perform a sedimentation test by mixing coffee with water and allowing it to settle - pure coffee will not leave much residue. 

6. Fruit Juices 

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Diluted with water or cheaper juices. Conduct a simple test like the sugar test by observing if added sugar settles at the bottom of the juice when left undisturbed. 

7. Tea 

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Can be mixed with other leaves or colored leaves to bulk up. Perform a visual inspection and look for unusual colors or different leaf textures. 

8. Fish 

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Some species are substituted for cheaper varieties or even non-fish products. DNA testing or checking for specific identifying features can help, though these tests might require specialized equipment or expertise. 

8 Fruits That Can Cause Allergies