8 Must Try Coffee Drinks

White Line

1. Espresso 

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The purest coffee experience, a strong and concentrated shot of coffee. It's the base for many other coffee drinks. 

2. Cappuccino 

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A classic Italian coffee drink, traditionally made with equal parts espresso, steamed milk, and milk froth. It's perfect for those who enjoy a creamy, yet strong coffee. 

3. Latte  

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Similar to a cappuccino but with more steamed milk and less foam, making it creamier. It's a good choice if you prefer a milder coffee flavor. 

4. Americano 

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Made by diluting an espresso with hot water, giving it a similar strength to regular coffee but with a different flavor profile. 

5. Flat White  

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Originating from Australia/New Zealand, this drink is similar to a latte but with a higher coffee-to-milk ratio and a velvety texture. 

6. Macchiato  

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A shot of espresso "stained" with a small amount of foamed milk. It's stronger than a cappuccino or latte, with a more pronounced espresso flavor. 

7. Mocha  

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A latte with chocolate, usually made with steamed milk, espresso, and either cocoa or chocolate syrup. It's a favorite for those who love coffee and chocolate together. 

8. Affogato 

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A simple yet indulgent Italian dessert featuring a scoop of vanilla gelato or ice cream "drowned" with a shot of hot espresso. 

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