8 Foods To Avoid That Are High In Starch

White Line

1. White Potatoes 

White Line

Potatoes, especially when processed (like fries or chips), are high in starch. Sweet potatoes or yams are lower in starch compared to white potatoes. 

2. Corn 

White Line

Corn and corn-based products, such as cornmeal and popcorn, contain significant amounts of starch. 

3. White Rice 

White Line

While a staple in many diets, white rice is a refined grain with high starch content. Brown rice or other whole grains are better alternatives. 

4. Pasta 

White Line

Most types of pasta, especially those made from refined wheat flour, are high in starch. Opt for whole-grain or legume-based pasta for lower starch content. 

5. Bread 

White Line

White bread and many types of commercially produced bread contain refined flour high in starch. Whole-grain or alternative flour bread can be lower in starch. 

6. Cereals 

White Line

Many breakfast cereals, particularly those made from refined grains, contain high levels of starch. 

7. Legumes 

White Line

While they are excellent sources of protein and fiber, legumes like beans, lentils, and peas are also high in starch. However, they offer various nutritional benefits. 

8. Processed Snack Foods 

White Line

Many packaged snacks like crackers, pretzels, and certain types of cookies or cakes contain high levels of starch due to the use of refined flours. 

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