8 Foods That Help You Stay Hydrated All Day

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1. Cucumber

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Cucumbers are made up of about 95% water, making them an excellent hydrating snack. They are also low in calories and high in vitamins and minerals.

2. Watermelon

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Watermelon is not only delicious but also has a high water content of around 92%. It's a refreshing fruit that provides hydration along with vitamins A and C.

3. Celery

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With a water content of approximately 95%, celery is a hydrating vegetable. It's also a crunchy and low-calorie snack option.

4. Strawberries

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Strawberries have a high water content, along with being rich in vitamin C and antioxidants. They can be a sweet and hydrating addition to your diet.

5. Yogurt

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Yogurt, especially Greek yogurt, contains water along with electrolytes like potassium. It's not only hydrating but also provides a good source of protein and probiotics.

6. Oranges

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Oranges and other citrus fruits are hydrating due to their water content. They also provide a dose of vitamin C and natural sugars for energy.

7. Bell Peppers

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Bell peppers, particularly the colorful ones, have a high water content and are rich in vitamins A and C. They can be a hydrating addition to salads or eaten as a crunchy snack.

8. Coconut Water

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While not a solid food, coconut water is a hydrating beverage that provides electrolytes, including potassium. It's a natural and refreshing alternative to sugary sports drinks.

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