8 Calcium-Rich Natural Foods For Vegans

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1. Tofu 

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Tofu made with calcium sulfate is an excellent source of calcium. It's versatile and can be used in various dishes. 

2. Soybeans 

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Including soy products like tempeh or edamame in your diet can contribute to your calcium intake. 

3. Leafy greens 

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Vegetables such as kale, collard greens, turnip greens, and bok choy are rich in calcium. These can be eaten cooked or raw in salads and smoothies. 

4. Almonds 

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Nuts, particularly almonds, are a good source of calcium. Snack on raw almonds or use almond butter in your meals. 

5. Seeds 

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Sesame seeds and chia seeds are high in calcium. Sprinkle them on salads, cereals, or incorporate them into smoothies. 

6. Figs 

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Dried figs are not only a sweet snack but also contain a good amount of calcium. 

7. Fortified plant-based milk 

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Many plant-based milk alternatives like almond milk, soy milk, or oat milk are fortified with calcium and can be consumed regularly. 

8. Oranges 

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Citrus fruits, especially oranges, can provide some calcium. Additionally, they are high in vitamin C, which aids calcium absorption. 

8 Lesser-Known Benefits of Having Dates With Milk