8 Brain games for dogs reduce boredom

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1. Hide and Seek 

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This classic game is not just for kids! Hide somewhere in your home and call your dog's name. It's a fun way to reinforce the recall command and reward them when they find you. This game stimulates their tracking and hunting instincts. 

2. The Cup Game 

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Place treats under one of three cups, shuffle them around, and let your dog figure out which cup hides the treat. This game is great for enhancing their focus and problem-solving skills. 

3. Treasure Hunt 

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Hide treats around the house or in your yard and let your dog sniff them out. This game encourages them to use their natural sniffing and foraging skills. 

4. Puzzle Toys 

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There are various puzzle toys available that require dogs to figure out how to get the treat out. These toys can range from beginner to advanced levels, keeping your dog challenged and engaged. 

5. Obedience Training 

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Regular training sessions using positive reinforcement are great for mental stimulation. Teaching your dog new commands or tricks keeps their brain active and strengthens your bond. 

6. Name That Toy 

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Teach your dog the names of their different toys. Start with one toy, and once they have learned its name, introduce more. Ask for toys by name and reward them for picking the correct one. This game enhances their memory and vocabulary understanding. 

7. Interactive Feeding Games 

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Instead of feeding your dog from a bowl, use feeding games that require them to work for their food. This could be as simple as scattering kibble in the grass or using a feeding ball that dispenses food as they play. 

8. DIY Agility Course 

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Set up a simple agility course in your backyard using household items. Guide your dog through the course, which can include tasks like jumping over cushions, weaving through cones (or similar objects), and crawling under tables. 

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