8 Animals That Hibernate In Summer    

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1. Desert Tortoises 

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During extreme heat and drought in deserts, they may burrow underground to escape the heat and preserve moisture. 

2. Cicadas 

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Certain species of cicadas have long life cycles, spending several years underground before emerging in large numbers during the summer months to breed.  

3. Ground Squirrels 

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Some species of ground squirrels enter torpor during hot periods to conserve energy and water, though it’s not typical for them to hibernate in the summer. 

4. Burrowing Frogs 

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These frogs dig deep into the ground during dry, hot periods, becoming dormant until conditions improve. 

5. African Lungfish 

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In response to drying ponds or drought, lungfish can burrow into the mud and estivate, a dormant state similar to hibernation. 

6. Certain Snakes 

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Some species of snakes, like the western diamondback rattlesnake, may aestivate during extreme heat by seeking refuge in cooler, underground burrows. 

7. Some Insects 

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Certain insects might enter diapause, a state of suspended development or reduced activity during unfavorable conditions. For example, some species of beetles or butterflies might aestivate during hot, dry periods.

8. Bats 

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Though uncommon, in regions where summer conditions are harsh, some bat species may enter a torpid state to conserve energy and water. 

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